When couples decide to divorce, one of the most pressing questions is often about the fate of their shared home. Do they have to move out of the house while the divorce process is ongoing? Who gets to stay? What about the children? Who will pay the mortgage? During a...
Can you keep FEHB insurance if you divorce a federal employee?
If your spouse is a current or retired federal employee, you have likely taken advantage of the ability to get health insurance coverage through the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) plan. If you have children, they’re likely also on your spouse’s plan. If...
Should you include a sunset clause in your prenup?
These days, more and more couples sign prenuptial agreements before saying, “I do.” Prenups are more accepted and seen as essential marriage planning tools. While online templates offer quick solutions, prenups aren’t a one-size-fits-all type of document. Your prenup...
The Case for Using Lawyer-Mediators in Family Law
Mediation is a big tent with room for a variety of mediators with different backgrounds, credentials and styles. There is no single type of background or set of credentials required for a mediator nor is there any one right style of mediation. While retired judges...
What to do if you cannot pay child support temporarily
Child support helps ensure a child's well-being and development, even when you and your former partner live apart. It's one of the most tangible ways to contribute to your child's daily needs, from food and shelter to education and health care. However, life's...
Proving adultery during divorce proceedings in Virginia
Divorce can be an emotionally charged process, and if adultery is involved, everything becomes more complex. In Virginia, proving adultery as grounds for divorce requires clear and convincing evidence. While it can seem daunting, understanding the legal requirements...
Relocating with a child after divorce
Perhaps when you were young and single, you moved fairly frequently, searching for a better home, a new job, an educational opportunity, or just because you wanted a change. Before you made these moves, you may have asked your friends and family for advice, but you...
How can homeowners optimize their living spaces for shared custody?
Divorce and separation can cause overwhelm families, especially children. Parents must create welcoming environments in both homes to ease transitions and maintain stability. Virginia has a high homeownership rate, so many parents face the challenge of adapting their...
Am I obligated to give spousal support even if I am retired?
In Reston, Virginia, you may still have to provide spousal support even if you are retired. However, courts consider retirement a significant change in circumstances, which can convince them to change or stop spousal support. The court will consider several factors to...
3 ways real property can complicate a divorce
Investing in real property is generally a smart money move. Married couples may combine their incomes to qualify for a mortgage and buy a home instead of renting. They may also purchase unimproved land or properties in poor condition to treat as investments. The...