Child support helps ensure a child's well-being and development, even when you and your former partner live apart. It's one of the most tangible ways to contribute to your child's daily needs, from food and shelter to education and health care. However, life's...
How can custodial parents pursue back payments for child support in Virginia?
As a custodial parent in Virginia, you may find yourself struggling when the non-custodial parent falls behind on court-ordered child support payments. These back payments, known as arrears, can create significant financial strain. Fortunately, Virginia has mechanisms...
What happens to child support when the paying parent is incarcerated?
Rarely does anyone plan on getting incarcerated. However, if you find yourself in a situation where you have to spend some time behind bars, you will want to know what will become of your child support obligation. Child support is meant to take care of a child’s...
Can you count on child support for a teen’s college costs?
Experts will tell you that just getting a child to 17 years of age will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in food, shelter and other basic necessities. However, the biggest expense is often yet to come. Four years of college education can cost as much as all of...
How do you determine child support payments in Virginia?
When you have a child and get divorced, one of the things you need to work out is how much child support will need to be paid by the paying parent. Virginia makes this task a little simpler than in some other states because it has child support guidelines that all...