Legal Professionals of Hirsch & Ehlenberger

How much do co-parents need to listen to each other?

On Behalf of | Nov 24, 2023 | Divorce

Open communication is the foundation of a healthy marriage. It fosters mutual respect and understanding of a couple’s thoughts and feelings.

Unfortunately, divorce can significantly disrupt marital connections. While it is crucial for ex-spouses to agree in maintaining an amicable relationship as co-parents for their child’s sake, changes in their family dynamics make it challenging to do so.

Thus, knowing when they must be actively in touch and when to set clear boundaries can help them better navigate co-parenting.

Quality over quantity listening

Virginia courts always favor the child’s best interests when settling custody and visitation arrangements. With this in mind, they also recognize that divorces have different circumstances.

So, if clear and convincing proof shows that a feasible communication system between divorced parties upholds the child’s well-being, it comes down to sustaining it.

In most cases, it is not about how often each spouse listens to the other, but how effectively they lend their ears. So, even if listening does not happen daily, it just has to be consistent. Implementing this process entails:

  • Keeping a regular schedule to update each other. Depending on availability and the urgency of situations, they can coordinate routines once or twice a week.
  • Using a consistent medium to reach out and exchange information, such as mobile phone conversations or electronic mails. They must also have secondary numbers for emergency purposes.
  • Confining topics to the child’s relevant needs and other priority concerns related to the divorce. Limiting discussion flows can also prevent personal attacks from escalating into heated conflicts.

Ultimately, respectful dialogues reinforce each other’s commitment to raising the child together amid the split. As a result, the child can grow up in a safe and supportive environment.

Positive co-parenting requires endless effort

Co-parenting is a continual endeavor that demands flexibility. Both parents must adapt to ever-changing conditions as they jointly nurture their child. However, it can quickly take an emotional toll on them without a dedicated support system. Especially in times of dispute, a legal advocate can negotiate on their behalf to help secure the child’s future.


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